The Language of Localization


Compiled and Edited by Katherine Brown-Hoekstra

The Language of Localization defines 52 terms that every business professional should know, even professionals who do not specialize in localization. In a global market, every business person needs to understand the importance of localization and be able to speak intelligently with localization professionals.


The Language of Localization defines 52 terms that every business professional should know, even professionals who do not specialize in localization. In a global market, every business person needs to understand the importance of localization and be able to speak intelligently with localization professionals.

Expertly compiled and edited by Katherine Brown-Hoekstra, this book is a useful reference for localization experts, managers, students, and any business person who works in a global market.


The Language of Localization is a collaborative effort with fifty-two expert contributors, all known for their depth of knowledge. You will probably recognize many of their names, and you will probably want to learn more about the ones who are new to you. Each contributed term has a concise definition, an importance statement, and an essay that describes why business professionals need to know that term.

You will find basic terms, such as character set, alongside newer terms, such as augmented translation. They span the depth and breadth, as well as the past and future, of localization. In addition there are short definitions of 70 additional business, linguistics, and standards terms. For those who want to dig deeper, there are more than 150 references for further exploration.

Terms are grouped into six categories: Core Concepts, Advanced Concepts, Localization Engineering, Terminology Management, Marketing, and Standards.

About the Editor

Katherine (Kit) Brown-Hoekstra is an award-winning consultant in localization and technical communication. As Principal of Comgenesis, LLC, Kit helps global companies design and build content systems so they can serve global customers in their preferred language. She is an experienced conference speaker, trainer, and facilitator. She currently explores conscious leadership and appreciative inquiry as a Certified Guide in the XCHANGE community. She is also a Fellow and former Society president for the Society for Technical Communication, and coauthored a book on managing virtual teams in 2007. Her blog is

Editorial Reviews

“Well done, and thank you on behalf of the whole localization community.”

— Ulrich Henes, From the Foreword


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