In recent years, information architecture and user experience have become recognized fields with mature methodologies, What has been lacking in the world of content strategy has been attention to the foundation these disciplines are built on: authors.
Author Experience focuses on the value of managing the communication process effectively and efficiently. It deals with this process from the point of view of those who create and manage content.
This book defines author experience, outlines the challenges that stand in the way of a good author experience, and provides a set of design patterns that will help you define and implement an author experience that improves content quality and author efficiency.
About the Author

Rick Yagodich (@think_info) has been working with the web since 1995. Right after creating his first HTML page, he asked, “What is the business purpose of this site?” That question has driven his interactions with web technology ever since.
Rick has experience with most aspects of web technology, from front-end design to back-end development. It is from this breadth of experience that he determined a vital part of the industry was severely under-served: the systems used to manage content are not designed for the needs and processes of those who use them.
His consultancy, Excolo, has served clients in industries ranging from financial services to retail to business services to communications and now focuses on that niche of the web consultancy market: Author Experience.
Editorial Reviews
“His perspective is refreshing…. Yagodich states that AX should not be an afterthought, and he expertly relays this message by providing a multitude of real-world examples to support his claims, many of which he pulls from his own professional experience.”
— Britney Ashford, book review in STC Technical Communication, February, 2016. Full review, courtesy of STC.
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